Dr. Jen Douglas

Dr. Jen Douglas is a licensed psychologist, Stanford clinical assistant professor, wife, and mom. Dr. Jen specializes in helping high-achieving individuals overcome their own perfectionism so they can not only achieve, but enjoy their lives in the process. Dr. Jen’s interests span the intersection of high-functioning anxiety, emotional regulation, and societal influences on mental health. She began writing to explore the potential of intergenerational healing through children’s books. This work aims to give parents the scripts they need to talk about hard things, while creating understanding and self-compassion in children. Dr. Jen writes to build emotional resilience in parents as well as kids (because no one has time to read another 200-page parenting book). Dr. Jen and her work have been featured across news outlets including Newsweek, NBC News, Glamour, and NPR. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family, who humor her feeble attempts at being a “cool mom.”